We have updated this stewardship directory as of May 2018. Have you received your copy? If not, please pick one up after Mass this weekend. Take one to a friend!
In February 2015, we published a Parish Stewardship Directory. Below is a list of those ministries. Please consider getting involved in one or more of these activities at Immaculate Conception, St. Denis and Holy Family. There are directories in the vestibule of St. Denis and Holy Family for you to have.
Liturgy and prayer
- Liturgy of the Hours
- Cantors, musicians, choir
- Funeral Choir
- Sacristans
- Lectors
- Extraordinary Ministers of Communion (adults only)
- Gift Bearers
- Ushers
- Servers (grade 5 and up)
- Lay presiders
- Church decorating
- Rosary Leaders
- Way of the Cross
- Prayer Chain
- Prayer Group
- Baptismal preparation for parents of infants/children
- Marriage preparation
- Confirmation preparation
- First Eucharist Preparation for parents and their children
- Penance Preparation for parents and their children
- RCIA team members
- Communion to homes and health care centers
Preparation for funeral Mass
- Lunch committee
- Bereavement committee
- Funeral Mass Preparation
Children’s Religious Education -- grades 1-12
- Always a need for teachers of religion
- Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 (grades 1-6)and 7:30-8:30 at St Denis (grades 7-12) for St. Denis and Immaculate Conception students
- Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 at Holy Family (grades 1-12)
- Always a need for aides
- Field trip chaperons
Youth Ministry
- Adult leaders
- Youth leaders
- Youth trips (e.g., Steubenville Youth Conference, Kentucky work camp, retreats, World Youth Day, Cast Your Nets, Youth Leader Training, Andrew Dinners)
- Service Projects
Activities for adults
- Bible Study
- Breakfast Club
- Knights of Columbus
- St Ann Sodality
- Grieving, Home Visits
- Clothing Drives
- St. Vincent de Paul
- Giving Tree
- Elizabeth Blessings